
Solutions to Wes Bos What The Flexbox?! CSS course with notes in the GitHub Readme file and live on GitHub Pages.


Solutions to Wes Bos Mastering Markdown course with notes in the GitHub Readme file and live on GitHub Pages.

MERN Stack

MERN Stack Web app with login, registration and profile creation, authentication and state management of logged in users. Technology used inlcudes HTML, Bootstrap, Express, React, React-Router, Redux, Axios for REST API calls, mLab for cloud hosted MongoDB, Passport JS + JWT for authentication, Heroku for hosting.

Python Machine Learning

Code alongs and solutions to Jose Portilla Udemy course in Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp. All Jupyter Notebooks are available on GitHub. The Libarires used include Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, Scikit-learn and TensorFlow. Topics covered include data analysis, data visualization, feature engineering, linear regeression, logisitc regression, cross-validation, K-nearest neighbors, K-means clustering, principal component analysis, Recommender systems, Natrual language Processing and Deep learning/ Neural Networks.

Python 3

Code alongs and solutions to Jose Portilla Udemy course, Python 3 Masterclass. All Jupyter Notebooks are available on GitHub. Topics covered include control flow, functions, Object Oriented Programming, workig with files/ folders (ZIP, CSV, PDF), web scraping with Beautiful Soup, sending emails, Geo-mapping, and encryption.

Google Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Functions (Functions as a Service - FaaS) with Python via short Udemy course. Covering topics such as sending emails via SendGrid API, scheduling, environment variabls and CORS.

Profile Page

First example of a fully responsive profile page, created using HTML5, CSS3 and Formspree as a means for people to contact me via email. Hosted on Github pages.

JavaScript Objects

Exercises in JavaScript objects, hosted on GitHub Pages.